Tag Archive | characters

A Lesson In Character

I just finished reading a great post on characterization by Angel Lawson that perfectly describes our drive for not only unrepentant a**holes, but imperfect characters. No one wants to read the character who says all the right things and never messes up, nor the character that follows routine: when things go wrong they know immediately how to fix them.

They’re boring.

More often then not I get one of two things while reading those characters: bored with them to the point of skimming or putting the book down for another, or frustrated with them because it’s like they’re following some textbook.


I completely agree with her, reading, watching and even writing the jerk is so much fun. But the ones who are unrepentant, who own up to their actions without apology are the best, there’s oftentimes so much more depth to those characters without having to pander or reach into pools or self-pity or consternation. Characters can be sweet as well, but I don’t think that’s realistic in a person. All people are flawed, it”s the degree to which we’re flawed in which makes us different, approachable, hero or villain.

Since I feel like I’m not only repeating myself but Angel, I’m going to stop here. But I’ll just say this: Pay attention to the characters you read, who you write, which ones are you drawn to and connect with? What is it about them? Do they have a darker side, do you like that or respect that aspect in them?




~Let the Ink Run Free



A Writer’s Work is Never Done…Is It?

I am so sorry to have been MIA the past week. I was on vacation, and the ‘Wi-Fi’ service at the hotel wasn’t exactly cooperating with my computer or Facebook.

So, I’ll pick up where I left off.

There are so many questions I see authors ask their readers, especially depending on genre. But one that really caught my attention was brought up by Brittney Sahin on WordPress.

When do you end a novel? Do you make a sequel? a Series? Do you write a spin-off using characters from the original storyline?

These are questions that make plotting and mapping out your entire story and character chart. You need to know exactly where this story is going. Its okay if things are added in as you go–heaven knows you never know when inspiration will strike, but there should be some goal, some end point that your trying to weave and reach.

Once that goal is met, do not force more if there is nothing, that is where sequels come in. How long is your story? Does is have points in which it could be broken into segments? Or Would one book suffice? Could more come from this plot and these characters? either in a spin-off with supporting characters (or bring in new characters using the same universe if you’re a Fantasy writer)? Many authors have done this successfully.
One of the most recent examples is Leigh Bardugo with Six of Crows from the Grishaverse. or Sophie Davis with Exiled: Kenly’s Story from the Talented saga.


So remember, write your ending first. Decide if it can be broken up into parts and decide the ending for each part. If there is more to say, then say it. If you are going to be forcing storyline and characters, circumstances that don’t make sense or shouldn’t/don’t have to be happening then most likely your readers will pull away. It will not have the same draw as the other stories. DON’T DO IT.


Find a new book to write. new characters. But let this one lay.

Any other questions?

Keep Writing and Let the Ink Run Free~