Tag Archive | creative writing

The Thief

*This poem was just written, not edited at all and posted. I felt the need to get it out. Please forgive my mopishness. Thank you

Time, the aged thief, has come

Silent in the night and prowling by the light

He tricks the mind not to weep, not to see what’s missing

The piece no longer yours to keep

It floats away like a hazy dream, reemerging like a tease

The edges of my grief have worn away to reveal a softer ache beneath

My memory no longer feels crystal clear, bending face and blending voice

An echo of a past life, his hands have moved voraciously

Time, the aged thief, he has come and stolen my grief.
By Victoria E. Schmitz

A Lesson In Character

I just finished reading a great post on characterization by Angel Lawson that perfectly describes our drive for not only unrepentant a**holes, but imperfect characters. No one wants to read the character who says all the right things and never messes up, nor the character that follows routine: when things go wrong they know immediately how to fix them.

They’re boring.

More often then not I get one of two things while reading those characters: bored with them to the point of skimming or putting the book down for another, or frustrated with them because it’s like they’re following some textbook.


I completely agree with her, reading, watching and even writing the jerk is so much fun. But the ones who are unrepentant, who own up to their actions without apology are the best, there’s oftentimes so much more depth to those characters without having to pander or reach into pools or self-pity or consternation. Characters can be sweet as well, but I don’t think that’s realistic in a person. All people are flawed, it”s the degree to which we’re flawed in which makes us different, approachable, hero or villain.

Since I feel like I’m not only repeating myself but Angel, I’m going to stop here. But I’ll just say this: Pay attention to the characters you read, who you write, which ones are you drawn to and connect with? What is it about them? Do they have a darker side, do you like that or respect that aspect in them?




~Let the Ink Run Free



Rambling to Writing, And Reading Request

Okay, Probably the last post for today.

As you might know, I’m a creative writing major at my university. While I lean more towards the editing, reading and reviewing, I do love to write and have written extremely short pieces. In my next endeavor, I have entered into a contest on jukebox.com with blackhillpress to be published by the end of summer. Over the course of these next few months I will put out chapters for a 10,000-30,000 word novella and based on your votes will proceed to next rounds or not.

Okay I’m rambling again. What I’m asking is for you to take the time to look at the prologue of my story and its synopsis, read it, vote if you want…and if it seems like something you can support please sign up and join my on this scary, crazy journey. Here’s your chance to review ME. To bookshelf my writing or be completely honest and tell me it sucks and don’t quit my day job.


My story is called Visions of a Phoenix, and here’s the link: http://www.jukepop.com/home/read/3439

The actually writing of the story is still in the works as well, so if you have suggestions, or a certain direction you want to see the story go, give me a shout out and I’ll see what I can do!!

I’ll shut up and Leave you be, let the Ink Run Free,

Tori S.